Inspirational Writings by d.a.nesbitt

Current Manuscripts

Devotional Meditations Inspired by the Gospel of Matthew book cover.

Devotional Meditations Inspired by the Gospel of Matthew

Now Available on Amazon

Coming Soon

· Prayer Poems Inspired by the The Book of Isaiah

· Prayer Poems Inspired by the Gospel of Mark & Paul's Letters to the Ephesians & Philippians and the Letter of James

· Prayer Poems Inspired by the Gospel of Luke

· Prayer Poems Inspired by the Gospel & Epistles of St. John

· Prayer Poems Inspired by The Acts of the Apostles

· Prayer Poems Inspired by the Paul's Letters to the Romans and 1st & 2nd Corinthians

· At Home With God – 1st of a Trilogy

· At Home With God – 2nd of a Trilogy

· At Home With God – 3rd of a Trilogy